
Friday, April 30, 2021

Summary of Blogs

Welcome to my blog! This past semester I've kept a blog for my Media Law & Literacy class. Today, I published my final post, so here is a table of contents of all my work from this semester, including hyperlinks to the posts. Some of my first posts do not appear at the end of my feed of blogs for some reason, so the links will lead you to them. These will be listed in chronological order of when they were published.

"How a Gen Z'er Gets Her News" - A summary of the main sources I used at that point in time to get my news, as well as why I chose those sources.

"A Brief Look at the History and Set-Up of the U.S. Supreme Court" - After watching a mini-documentary about it, I reflect on the U.S. Supreme Court and summarize what I learned.

"The Truth About the First Amendment" - In this post, I address some common misconceptions people have about the First Amendment, while also talking about how the First Amendment applies to the Capitol riots back in January.

"The Media's Censorship of Media" - In this post, I discuss my thoughts on why websites such as ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative are not mainstream.

"'Individual Self-Fulfillment' & 'Promote Innovation': My Key Theories of the Key Theories" - Based on the eight values of free expression, I explain why "Individual Self-Fulfillment" and "Promote Innovation" are the two most important values to me.

"The History of YouTube" - In my first EOTO post, I discuss the history, evolution, and impact of YouTube.

"'Frontline: The Facebook Dilemma' Reaction" - After watching part one of "Frontline; The Facebook Dilemma," I write about my thoughts towards what I learned in the documentary. 

"Although Audio Technology Have Evolved, the Bonding Aspects of Music Remain"- In this post, I reflect on what I learned while listening to my classmates' first EOTO presentations, specifically those who covered music related technologies.

"TikTok Through the Lens of the Diffusion Theory" - Using Roger's Diffusion of Innovation Theory, I analyze TikTok's popularity trends since its release.

"My Public Opinion on Privacy" - After our class discussion on privacy, I reflect on my biggest takeaways and what was the most unsettling to me.

"Net Neutrality" - In my second EOTO post, I explain what net neutrality is, how it works, and who it affects.

"EOTO #2 Reflection: False Flags" - After watching my classmates' second EOTO presentations, I reflected on the topic that stood out most to me: False Flags.

"'Person of Interest' and the Current Privacy Debate'" - For my last post before my final, I share how a show I watched, "Person of Interest," relates to (and somewhat foreshadowed) the current privacy debate.

"My Relationship with Technology and Social Media" - To wrap up my blog, I wrote about my relationship with technology and social media, my online presence, and how I think people can improve their relationship with the technology they use.

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